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How Sleep Quality Impacts Fertility (and What You Can Do About It)

For many, getting to sleep isn’t the problem — making time for sleep is. Busy schedules, coupled with caffeine boosts tend to cut into the hours needed for sleep. In fact, 35.2% of all adults in the U.S. report sleeping on average for less than seven hours per night.

Sleeping is a form of passive physical rest that allows your body to renew itself. While we're asleep, waste products are removed, repairs are effected, energy is restored, and enzymes and hormones are replenished, including the ho

Period Cramp Hacks

Period cramps are discomforting, but some at-home hacks can help you through days that you experience severe pain.
• Some effective period cramp hacks include avoiding caffeine during period, getting enough sleep, applying heat to the upper pelvic area and cutting out foods that can trigger cramps.
• At-home period cramp hacks are meant to help relieve some discomforting symptoms people experience before and during their periods. However, they are not standard treatments for people with premenst

Is it normal for your period to last longer than 10 days?

Sometimes your menstrual flow lasts longer than usual. This doesn't always mean you have a health problem. However, it is best to check with your gynecologist to be sure everything is okay.
• Some periods that last longer than 10 days are normal, while some indicate underlying medical conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory diseases.
• Medical conditions, hormones, stress and lifestyle can cause long periods. They are some of the possible reasons your p

MUTU System on LinkedIn: Inequalities in Healthcare - Who is Affected and What Is Being Done?

Want to become irreplaceable in the era of AI? The kids know what we need: Imagination. Everyone using generative AI faces a fork in the road, and I'm here to rant against one and support the other. The trillion-dollar question IMO: Do you use the tech to outsource your imagination or unblock it? The fantastic Paul Roetzer (arguably the world's most knowledge analyst of AI as it applies to marketing and content related uses) told me something today in a Twitter reply which I will never forget. "

Period flu treatment, symptoms and when to see a doctor

Period flu, also called premenstrual syndrome (PMS), can make you uncomfortable. Fortunately, some treatments can help ease the symptoms.
• Period flu is commonly used to describe some symptoms some people experience as their period draws close.
• Period flu treatment may involve natural remedies like getting enough sleep, engaging in physical activities, and staying hydrated.
• Different things can cause period flu symptoms, including increased prostaglandin production and changes in female rep

period flu: Why you feel unwell before and during your period

When you experience symptoms such as headache, nausea, stomach pain, and fever around your menstrual period, you may wonder if you are sick or even going insane.
• Hormonal changes, chemical changes in the brain and genetic factors are some of the reasons why people may feel sick before and during their menstrual periods.
• Some of the symptoms people experience as their body gets ready for their menstrual flow is called "period flu".
• Symptoms of period flu include nausea and bloating, fatigue

How To Stay Healthy This Fall: Health Tips For You And Your Family —

It is that time of the year where we enjoy the crisp and cool air, colors, feelings, and magic of watching the falling leaves, amongst other fantastic fall season perks. However, it can also be a challenging time for our health. The change in season can disrupt routines and make us more susceptible to colds and flu. That's why it's advised to take some extra steps to stay healthy this fall season.

While we embrace the fall season with excitement, here are tips on how you and your family can sta

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